Monday, 15 September 2014

And Yet Another Story

So, um, currently, I'm writing three stories at once. The first one from the first Picture Prompt dragon and knight, the second one from the second Picture Prompt (Doodle from The Scarlet Ibis) The most recent one is branched from another Computers project, but from this 2014-2015 school year. It's Scottish, with real Gaelic and cities in Scotland. I'll upload it like The Scarlet Ibis one when I'm done. It's not on paper or all in my head, so it's easily accessible as long as I have Wi-Fi.

Grieving Part 2

I went to talk with my Youth leader about the topic after the funeral on Saturday and she gave me some good advice. She's been through some deaths of people close to her, so she knows exactly what I'm experiencing. She's just like me: hates crying in front of people, and when someone confronts her about crying, she's like, "Leave me alone I need my own space shut up and go away", and hates funerals, where those are put together. They say "it's a place where you can cry freely and no one will hate you for it", but I wouldn't cry there anyways because there are people there. I haven't been to many funerals in my life besides this one, I think actually this is my second. The first was of some soldier that I had no relation to. Actually, at the funeral, I forced myself not to cry, because I was sitting next to a dance teacher I don't know very well, so I didn't want to cry beside her, even though she was already crying herself. I didn't even want to cry beside my own mother. My Youth leader told me that everyone grieves in a different way (obviously) and that I shouldn't not think about it, (which is what I've been doing since I found out about it on Wednesday night last week) because if I don't think about it for long enough and bury it deep inside me like Cole Matthews' anger in Touching Spirit Bear, it'll well up and I'll get depression. She said that I don't have to concentrate on the topic right now, but I'll have to do it eventually. I try not to think about it. She said that there's something psychological about crying, and how it relieves stress or something when you're grieving...something to do with endorphins...I don't remember. But I have to let it out and yes, Let It Go (the tears not the death), and it's okay to cry every once in a while, and it doesn't have to be in front of people, in which I will make sure it won't be.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014


So I'm dealing with a death right now. The first death in my life that's actually mattered to me personally. This death is that of my dance school's manager and co-founder, Barbara Dodds, more commonly known around the dance school as "Miss Barb". I've never grieved before, so I hope I grieve "properly". For now I'm just hoping I don't break out crying in the middle of class and draw attention to myself. That would be terrible. Especially in English with the "different" teacher.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Picture Prompts

So in English class I have a teacher who's um...different. Sometimes he gives you writing exercises called Picture Prompts, where when you enter the room, it's dark, and there is a picture or are pictures in a slideshow on the (Not So) SmartBoard that you are required to write from. You can write anything: a story, paragraph, essay, poem, word, whatever you want. I like writing stories. So. Flashback. Kind of. Who doesn't like flashbacks? Last year in Computers, we (each person in the class) had to write a book. I made mine really complex, unlike everyone else, who wrote kid books. I never finished that book, (thence my low grade) so I thought I would continue it when there was a picture prompt of a dragon and a knight fighting it, which reminded me of my book. Earlier last week, there was a picture prompt of Doodle from The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst, and I wrote a separate story about that. I'll post the link wen I finish it. It's kind of dark, I warn you.

Friday, 5 September 2014


I recommend the book To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee and the movie If I Stay

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Broken Clocks

So my bus comes at 8:22 am to take me to school in the morning, but it is recommended that I am at my bus stop by 8:17 am. This morning, I thought it was 8:40 am and that I missed the bus, but my biological clock was an hour ahead. My head exploded and I died for 5 minutes.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Kids Making Mind-Blowing Amounts

I was wondering for a while if kids on Broadway, like the four Matildas and all the little Maggots or Lilla Crawford or Taylor Richardson and the Annie orphans or the Billy Elliots and the ballet girls, get paid. This is what I found. It is astounding:

"They are under the same contracts as adults. Bway minimum is a little over $1600 right now. Principal children make more. There is no deduction based on number of performances they do per week. Their pay is based on the size of the role. 

So the Billy Elliot ballet girls were making minimum. The Billy's were making a little over 3 grand a week. The Mary Poppins kids make around $1800/wk."

By the way, everyone on Broadway, if they are not an understudy, does 8 shows a week including Sundays.